I'm going to look at some of the things in Jesus's life that can be found in mine. Now Jesus was in the public, talking and healing people, but Luke 5:16 describes that "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." This is huge for me, because I feel like when I retreat to myself to pray, or just to have quiet time, that I am an outcast. In a world where there are a ton of extroverts, and most everything caters to them, it is just hard to feel different, but what I love about this is that Jesus did it. Jesus could have been healing all the sick, and spreading the good news, but he took time off to go by himself. If Jesus did that when he was alive, then I shouldn't feel ashamed when I do it now.
Another interesting thing about Jesus life, is that he didn't come to be the hero. He instead came to serve people, and he showed this with his actions. Mark 10:45 says, "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." He served his disciples by washing their feet, and he served us by dying on the cross. He lead through his actions. I find this to be amazing, because I'm not always good with words. If I can show Jesus's love by my actions, than I know that I'm serving God. I don't need to have the best language to show people's God's love. Jesus showed it by serving others, and that is what I want to do too.
Now this is only two examples about how Jesus's life can make be reflected in my life. I know that we can all relate to Jesus's life some way, we just need to read the Bible. It may seem irrelevant to the times with all our technology, and advancements, but the fundamentals are the same back then and now.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending Jesus to die for us and to serve us with his actions. Thank you for giving us the bible so that we may be able to relate to Jesus, and to start to live like him. Help me to take time to go have quiet time by myself, and not feel like a complete outcast. Help me to also serve the world through my actions Lord. Amen.
Another interesting thing about Jesus life, is that he didn't come to be the hero. He instead came to serve people, and he showed this with his actions. Mark 10:45 says, "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." He served his disciples by washing their feet, and he served us by dying on the cross. He lead through his actions. I find this to be amazing, because I'm not always good with words. If I can show Jesus's love by my actions, than I know that I'm serving God. I don't need to have the best language to show people's God's love. Jesus showed it by serving others, and that is what I want to do too.
Now this is only two examples about how Jesus's life can make be reflected in my life. I know that we can all relate to Jesus's life some way, we just need to read the Bible. It may seem irrelevant to the times with all our technology, and advancements, but the fundamentals are the same back then and now.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending Jesus to die for us and to serve us with his actions. Thank you for giving us the bible so that we may be able to relate to Jesus, and to start to live like him. Help me to take time to go have quiet time by myself, and not feel like a complete outcast. Help me to also serve the world through my actions Lord. Amen.