Saturday, September 27, 2014

Just Have Fun

I don't know why we have this idea in our head, that Christians are no fun sticks in the mud.  I mean people can justify it by all the rules that Christians have to follow, like don't steal, or lie, or murder. The thing is these rules were put there to show us how much we need a Savior, not to make our lives dull. We should try to obey the laws, but God wants us to be happy and to have a little fun in our lives. Ecclesiastes 8:15 says, "So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun." God does want us to have fun and he isn't trying to work us to death. God gave us a day to rest during the week, and he gave us friends and family to hang out with. We do have to be careful and watch what we say and do, but going to a cafe with your friends isn't a sin. Watching a movie with your boyfriend isn't a sin, you just have to be aware of the temptations there. Having fun doesn't equate to sin, you just have to be careful of the temptations present. So I will keep this post short, so that you can go out there and have a little fun today, instead of just listening to me blab. Also, tomorrow is Sunday, and liked I talked about in my last post, take this day to relax and connect with God.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I have this crazy idea in my head of what a "Christian life" should look like. I pray that you help me break down those ideas, so that I can see you for you, and how much you love me and how you do want me to have fun and to be glad Lord. Thank you for your love everyday, and that the love you have will encourage me to go and have fun, while I work for you. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Purpose of Sunday

Many of us know that Sunday is suppose to be a day to relax, and go to church and to connect with God. In today's society though, it is very difficult to actually have a day of rest. Many of us treat Sunday as just another day of the week. Sunday is so much more than just another day of the week.

Rest-Sunday is a day of rest. When God made the world, he did it in six days, and on the last day he rested. If God was able to take a break from creating the world, than we should be able to find time to rest on Sunday. Exodus 35:2 says, "Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death." Now this verse makes it clear that we are not to work on the Sabbath, and that includes homework. This verse also talks about how if we don't rest than we shall be put to death. now you aren't going to get killed if you don't rest on Sunday, otherwise we would all be dead. Just if you don't take time to rest than you can overwork yourself. I don't know if you have experienced this, but I find that if I am over worked, or stressed than I get myself sick. Sunday is suppose to be a day to rest so we don't work ourselves sick.

Holy- God also made Sunday a holy day. Exodus 31:13 says, "You are to speak to the people of Israel and say, ‘Above all you shall keep my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I, the Lord, sanctify you." Sunday is a day that they Lord has made, so that we can remember all that he has done for us. In case you don't know, "sanctify" means to be free from sin. God wants us to remember how he freed us from sin, by sending his son down. We learn about God's love by going to church. We may read the Bible every day, but Sunday is the extended Bible study that we have, and we also have to worship the God who freed us. Another thing we do on Sunday is take communion, which symbolizes the death and resurrection of Jesus. Sunday is the only day where we do this, and it is to help us remember what God did to sanctify us. 

I know this is weird to be talking about Sunday, and it is only Wednesday, but I want you to have time during the week to get ready for Sunday. You can get your homework done ahead of time. Or you can move some things around in your schedule to make time for church on Sunday. Just remember Sunday is more than just another day.

Dear Heavenly Father,
You created this world and everything in it, but you also created Sunday, a day for us to rest and to come to you. I know that the world throws a lot at me, but help me to use Sunday as a time to rest and to connect with you. Thank you for giving us a time to rest from our stressful week, and I pray that you help me to use Sunday for what you intended it to be.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Break in the Storm

All of us go through storms in our lives. We know how it feels to be stuck in a storm, and how impossible it may seem like the storm will ever end. But believe it or not, God is with you in the storm. Nahum 1:7 says, "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him." God is the calm in the storm, the light even, and he is a place of refuge for you. Many of us feel like he is far a way, because we don't take time to seek and find him, but he is so close just wanting to help you out. If you have a pile of stress, than he can be your rest you seek. If you are struggling with friends, then he can show you someone who is a constant friend. If you are having troubles financially, than he can provide just the right amount of money that you need to buy food, and water. God is ready to help you through any storm, you just need to seek him. 
I was driving home from Bible study one Sunday, and it was cloudy, but we saw this streak of light through the clouds. So we stopped, and my friends took pictures. I then edited the photo, so that the clouds seem more threatening. I also made the streak of light stronger, so you can tell that there is a light in this storm. I love this picture, because no matter how big, and scary the storm may seem, you can always find God's streak of light in the storm, waiting to show you a way out.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Further Sayings

For many of you who follow my blog, you know that I have been doing a mini series about the Thirty Sayings of the Wise. So far I have done saying numbers 8, 26, and 21. Those three are some of my favorite sayings in this section. I could do all the sayings, but that might get repetitive after awhile, but I encourage you on your own time to read all thirty.
Today I am wrapping up this mini series, but I’m stepping away from the thirty sayings to the section of further sayings of the wise. There is one verse that just sticks out to me, and I wanted to talk about it. The verse is Proverbs 24:26, and it goes, “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.” I love the simile that is used here. I know that most teenage girls dream about their first kiss, or any kiss to be honest. We want it to be perfect, and we can’t wait until it happens. Here the kiss that we all want is being compared to honesty. Honesty is just as good as every kiss that you may get.
Now some people out there might be skeptical, especially when the truth hurts. When you think about it though, wouldn’t you rather know the truth, then find out the lie from a friend that isn’t even involved in the situation. For example, if your boyfriend cheated on you, wouldn’t you like to find this information out from him, than from a friend who may be exaggerating a bit. You would rather find out from him, then your friend. Honesty may hurt sometimes, but it is better than the other options.
God wants us to be honest, with him, people, and ourselves. One of the Ten Commandments is not to lie. This is really important to God, and most of us have a bad habit of lying constantly. We now know that the truth is a big deal, but most of us can’t just start telling the truth. We first need to recognize that fact that we lie, and then slowly we can start to change our lying habit.  This will take some time, and you need God’s help, but it can be done. So take some time today to start changing your lying habit.

Dear Heavenly Father

I know that lying is like a second language to me. Thanks for you salvation and forgiveness of every lie that I tell. I need your help though so I can change this habit. I know that this is going to be long process, but I am willing to go through this to become more like you. I know that the truth is important, for honesty is like a kiss on the lips, and I know that it may hurt some people, but I want to start telling the truth more. Thanks for your forgiveness for every time I mess up. Amen.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Thirty Sayings Of The Wise-Saying 21

I don't know how many of you are an architect, (or want to be one) but I think we all know the basics of building a house. First, you need a solid foundation, then you need the actual structure and then you need to decorate it and make it yours. Today's saying is about how we are to build our spiritual house. Saying 21 goes, "By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures." This verse is pretty straight forward when it describes what you need to build a house: wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. But I want to break down what exactly is these three components.

Wisdom-Wisdom is your foundation. For us our wisdom is knowing that we are all sinners, that we all mess up and fall short of the glory of God, and how Jesus came down to earth and lived a perfect life to die for our sins. That is the wisdom you need to build your foundation. Your foundation is the gospel.

Understanding-Understanding God's love for you, and how constant God is builds the walls and roof of the house. God is constant, never changing, and when we understand that, then our walls become constant and unchanging. Just like your actual home is to keep you safe and protected and loved, your spiritual home has these characteristics built right into the walls, because those are traits of God.

Knowledge- Know this is where the fun part begins. Any Christian has the wisdom of God, and they have the understanding in the walls, but what separates you from everyone else, is the knowledge that you put inside you spiritual home. If you have little knowledge of what actually is in the Bible, than you house will be bare. But if you have lots of knowledge of what is in the Bible, than you house fills up. Your bed can be built on the knowledge that David beat Goliath and the hope that God can use anyone to do something big. Your kitchen can be built of the parables that Jesus told in the gospels. We can see that knowledge is an important thing to have, because it is what makes your house a home, and it turns Christianity into having a relationship with God.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your wisdom, understanding and knowledge. I pray that you can help me build a strong foundation of wisdom, with sturdy walls with understanding, and a house full of nice things built of knowledge. You laid it out so plain right here, and know that I know what I need, help to work towards building a better house everyday, especially when it comes to decorating the inside with knowledge. Amen

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thirty Sayings of the Wise-Saying 26

Many of us love the taste of honey. It is sweet and delicious, and we love to add it to everything. We add it to tea, to desserts, and even our sandwiches. (maybe that is just me) The Bible makes a simile between honey and wisdom. Saying 26 goes, "Eat honey, my son, for it is good; honey from the comb is sweet to your taste. Know also that wisdom is like honey for you: If you find it, there is a future and a hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." We all need wisdom in our lives to grow, whether it is school wisdom like math and English, or religious wisdom found in reading your Bible. Wisdom is sweet and it can be applied to everything, just like honey. English is found in math when you have to explain your reasoning, and history can be found in the study of physics. The knowledge that we find can be applied to any part of our lives. It could be in competition in sport, or in the pop quiz you are taking in school, or when you are sitting with friends at your lunch table. This wisdom that you find will also give you a hope for the future. When you learn more about God and his character, then you begin to see the love God has for you and that he will never leave or forsake you. God is your comfort, your support and your strength. Wisdom is an important ingredient to have, just like honey, so don't skip out on the opportunities you have to gain wisdom.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the wisdom that you give freely. Help me to ask for the wisdom, so that I may grow closer to you and your love. I also pray that you help me reflect the wisdom that I have learned back onto the world so that others may be able to grow closer to you. Amen.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Thirty Sayings of the Wise-Saying #8

If you have read Proverbs, you would find that in the middle of Proverbs there is a section "Thirty Sayings of the Wise." These start at Proverbs 22:17 and go through Proverbs 24:22. I have read all thirty sayings and they are really good, and I encourage you to take some time to read them for yourself. I have chosen a couple that I connected to and ones that I thought would make a good post. Today, I chose to talk about saying #8 which goes,
"Do not wear yourself out to get rich;
do not trust your own cleverness. 
cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone,
for they will surely sprout wings 
and fly off to the sky like an eagle"
I chose this one because I feel like we all struggle with this. We think that if we work hard enough than we can get all the money that we want, or if we buy enough lottery tickets, than eventually we will win. Riches could also be how smart you are, or how popular you are among you friends. These riches will fade away faster than you achieved them. They are just temporary things of this world.
I love this saying, because it describe how the riches will "fly off to the sky like an eagle." That imagery is amazing to think about. Below I have a picture that I drew of the riches, in this case,the dollar, euro, and yen, flying away from us. When you think about it, money doesn't choose who it would rather stay with. The money as no attachment to one person, so it can easily be gone in a flash. 

Money is not the thing that we should worry about, that is God's job. He is able to give you everything you need, and that includes your finances. We may go through some hard times with money, but we go through hard times in other parts in our lives, and God still takes care of us and gives us our needs. We need to be focusing on sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, and there are many ways to do that in which no money is needed. Just going up to someone who is by themselves, and just start making conversation is a free way to share God's love and Jesus Christ. Sure you could donate money, or items that you buy, but that is not the only way to make a difference. There are many ways to make a difference in just our schools that doesn't take a lot of money.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please help me Lord to not fall in love with money. I trust you to take care of my finances, whether it is how I am going to pay for college, or how I am going to donate to help out someone else. Thank you Lord for the money I do have, and help me to use it for your glory Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Just Jump

Many of us have heard James 2:17 which goes, "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." We know that we are to live like Christ, but when it comes to actually doing it, we stumble and fall. We don't want to put ourselves out there so we keep to ourselves. Many of us know what to do, and we can see the hurt, we just don't do it. We feel comfortable in our little space and we don't want to leave. I face this everyday, and more and more I am breaking out of my comfort zones. To help me do this I imagine this image. 
You are on top of this cliff. You have worked hard to get up to the top, by growing closer to God in your faith. But know you need to use your faith and just jump into action. You are on this cliff, and you want to be down where the action is. To get there you need to jump. The thing is many of us, pace around on the top of this cliff, trying to decide what to do and coming up with excuses. Many of us are afraid that if we do jump, that we will fall flat on our face, but God has you. God is always with you. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, "It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” When God tells you to do something in your life, and you decide to go for it, God is right beside you. For when you jump, your faith grows bigger, and you are able to show your faith through action. It may be scary to jump, and it may feel like you are free falling for a long time, but God is with you and you are reaching out to a broken world that needs the love of God.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I know that you tell me to do things to show my faith with my actions, and I don't often do them. Please help me to jump into everything you tell me to do without looking back. For you are always with me, and I can only grow in my faith every time I jump. Thanks for you love you freely give me Lord, and help me to show that love through the actions that I do. Amen